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Does serious sports tolerate steroids?

I've been participating in sports for a while now. And I'm beginning to consider using steroids... Sincerely, I'm not sure if I should. It is reportedly quite unhealthy. And some assert that nothing to worry about and that everything is good. How do you feel? Has anybody consumed any? Has there been any negative impact

PetieT 3 May 28

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I've been taking steroids for quite some time now. So far I haven't noticed any bad effects. If you are ready for it, you can try it, why not? The main thing is to buy good steroids. This is really important. I've tried a lot, and I can advise buying from [] . The price is not high and the results are good. But it's up to you, right?


Do what you want. I don't care.


There is a reason every sports governing body outlaws steroid use, they are dangerous. They should only be used to recover from an injury under a doctor's supervision. If you test positive for steroids it can mean anywhere from a six month to lifetime ban from competition. It's not worth it. The negatives are liver damage, brain damage, heart damage, lung damage, all possibly irreversable.

While some athletes use them to enhance performance, they come with significant health risks and potential legal issues.

@EstebanSmith Abuse carries risk, when used properly for healing they are safe and effective. When abused or not monitored by a doctor, they can have very serious side effects and after effects.

@EstebanSmith I see you are from Rosston, TX a community of 3 streets and a few hundred people, how much of a troll/ ASI dick are you?


Lyle Alzado, a noted user, had serious 'roid rage from them, as do many. Also makes you an over-the-top Type A at best, so higher risk of stroke or heart attack, plus permanently pissing off all your loved ones.
Also they're illegal to buy or possess, but relax, being bulked-up will help when you're in Gen Pop.
But hey, winning is IMPORTANT, right?
EDITED: oh, and they shrink the daylights out of your ''junk'', so you can save money by buying underwear in the boy's department.

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