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LINK The US military funded a study on climate change, and got unnerving results

"The leaders of the United States need to get on board . . . We should stop denying what is happening and help vulnerable countries like ours," Heine said.

"It's important for people in the US to realize that this is real, it's happening to people. We are not the ones creating this, but we are the ones who have to live with it."

A critical issue for the islands in question is the fate of the coral reefs from which they are made, and which surround them. Reefs break waves, helping to prevent overwash events, and they also grow to keep pace with sea level rise - at least to an extent.

But even as seas are rising, coral reefs around the world have been suffering from severe bleaching events, and are also weakened further by acidifying oceans. This suggests that reefs could be hobbled and, in a weakened state, unable to protect their islands from waves.

zblaze 7 May 3

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It's so sad that so many ate selfish and self serving, not caring about others. Where is their humanity? Does money now Trump everything? Money will not buy us a new planet.


It is America. Always follow the money.


The Department of Defense military eggheads aren't stupid. When they fund a study they do it in typical pentagon fashion and go all out. They look at everything that causes problems... from how it will affect the operations of men and equipment,


... to political and social effects.

Syria's problems were accelerated by climate change.


For people to poo-poo this study because it doesn't jive with their politics is a insane mistake.

I graduated with a math degree from a state school, cocky because I 100% KNEW my degree was harder than what many friends had earned.

When I got to Naval flight training in Pensacola I was blown out of the water by the guys I was surrounded by. Everyone was as smart, and some where hilariously bright guys. Aeronautical Engineering grads who'd spent the first two years out of college working for Grumman... etc, before there was an opening in flight school!!! The caliber of some people in the military is top notch.


I was warning people in the 80's
No one listened
the 90's
No one listened
At the turn of the century
No one listened
NOW, the Glaciers are all but gone: The Great Barrier Reef is dead : The Oceans are acidified ; The Ocean is filled with particulate plastics: We have massive sulphur blooms off the coast of Africa annually, which means massive methane release from the frozen crystals at depth which cause the sulphur via chemical reaction: We have dynamic Permafrost melt and the massive Carbon release that causes: We have a die off of species unprecedented in human history and not seen since the last extinction event

ALL of these and more are tipping points I warned folks about for years, and they are happening MUCH FASTER than our models showed.

NOW, it is commonplace to see 50-60 degree temp changes in a single day in almost anywhere on the globe. Previous to this epoch, when I was a boy, you only found this in dessert areas.

I have poor expectations for the survivability of my children, and almost none for my grandchildren.

And still, few people listen.

Scientifically, we are creating a paradise for the insect world.

We have a term for this, Boiled Frog Syndrome


The military is the largest agency for use of alternative energy. They are in the fore front but, oil companies fund politicians.


The military is the largest agency for use of alternative energy. They are in the fore front but, oil companies fund politicians.


Yeah, the results were the liberals were right.

godef Level 7 May 3, 2018

You should know that ... right now ... experts are creating plans for removal of wildlife from low-lying atolls around the world. Did you know that the UN has already been asked to consider help for populations on the Seychelle Islands? These people are in grave danger from rising seas. BUT...oligarchs (and the GOP) (and certain religions) stick fingers in their ears and listen to idiots who claim it's all "FAKE NEWS."

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