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Reality is nothing more than your reflection. Take all your posts, all your comments you've made and will make and that's you. All that shit you threw at other people? That was your shit. You created it. You threw it.

I'm going to tell you what I know. If you want to leave some gibberish down below about what you believe you will. I don't give a fuck what you believe. No one does. Nothing does. Belief is meaningless. It's something you were taught to do as a child and conditioned to do by society. You're still doing it. This is a site full of believers. They just happen to also share the non belief in a God as defined by religions. Make no mistake, you are a believer in many things.

I'm going to talk about knowing. I don't mean intellectual knowing. I mean intuitive knowing and understanding. You are a human being. You came hear to learn lessons. You'll come back until you learn them. The purpose of a human being is to create. Human beings are creators. We create realities.

The universe operates via vibrations. If you are consuming or creating shit you get low vibrational shit back. If you are positive you get higher vibrational shit back. It's really fucking simple. There's a lot more to it than that but that's the basics.

All the answers you seek are found within yourself. Your failure to look intensely is because you are a coward. Simple as that. Either be a grown person or continue to be a coward and justify it. Comment below, “I'm a coward because...”

No? Do you need someone to hold your hand and sing you a song and make you a sandwich before you'll do it? Get into yourself. Face yourself. Be with yourself. Deal with yourself. Other people are tired of dealing with your bullshit. Point it inward and pull the trigger. Go ahead you coward.

FvckY0u 8 Aug 12

Enjoy being online again!

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So, reincarnation then?

@FvckY0u At one point in my life I really wanted reincarnation to be true. Sounded fun, and if this life isn't quite what you had hoped for then maybe the next would be, and the best part is you never not exist. I think non-existence is what people fear most, plus it's nice to think you'll see your loved ones again, if heaven were real. Anyway, I finally dropped that belief as wishful thinking after many weeks of internal debate about why I persisted with the feeling that I would go on being myself in some form after my death if I didn't belief in God anymore...the life after death that religion preaches is your reward if you are obedient and good enough. I finally told myself to quit thinking about it and just get into the feeling of it, and that's when I felt a tiny knot of fear in my stomach... the fear and realization that I would no longer exist after I die. My thinking and beliefs evolved over time for me to accept, and be ok with not existing after my death. I don't need a story, or mystery, for me to feel alright with thinking I may never know what all is out there, but I think that some people do. Some people need their mysteries and stories because they don't like not knowing how we got here, or why we are here, and also to feel that there really is magic of a sort. Something otherworldly they can get excited about. So they invent these stories to ward off their fear. The fear of the unknown.

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What ARE you smoking?

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