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Hey hey!!! I'm back!!

Been off for several months because my browser wouldn't even let me get to the home page, outdated certificate or some such problem.

Boy, the changes in my life have been coming fast. One relationship bit the dust after a few months of sort of clinging on, but within days someone from my past popped back into my life and it's like no time had passed, if anything we connected more than before. We're just trying to find the time where we'll both be off so we can get together, and I'm 99.9 percent sure it's going to be one amazing "together" for us both.

Been plagued with chronic migraines, to the point that I'm putting in for disability retirement after 24 years in the civil service. Between the stress at work and the barometer going up and down like a jackrabbit on a pogo stick, I can't maintain a work schedule and for bonus points, it's made me miserable half the time too.

But the disability/ ADA approach has given me some new hope that I can get to a better state of being. And the personal life is looking up more than it has since my divorce. So the good is outweighing the bad, hopefully.

Paul4747 8 Aug 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Paul, I don't know you but this is a happy story and I'm genuinely glad! Sounds as if youre on the way to a new, happier life!


Wow, so many positive things are happening for you - congratulations! And welcome back. The word seems to be spreading so new old faces are appearing every day.


Everyone has been off for several months. Sorry you’re having migraines…get your sinuses checked. Welcome back. And good luck with the new-old relationship.

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