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When collectively humans know about 1 percent about the planet earth and much less about the Universe. Then when 85percent of people believe there is a God. How come some atheists claim a 100 percent, that God does not exist.

Any math or logic behind that thought.

Castlepaloma 8 Dec 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't understand Religion, yet need to accept them as everyone are welcome to their illusions. Science and nature are much easier to get, although not as popular or respected.

Some higher energy power probably exist, it just many wrong translation of it. More people would find Aliens more probably than Yahweh God. I could not take God dose not exist, because I would need proof. On the other hand to prepare your entire life for a spiritual world without any proof that anyone has been there, seems batsh*t crazy.


Methinks Castlepaloma is a troll.

I am what I think and your wrong. Someone like Trump is a troll because I built a sandcastle for me and he was the most difficult person and upsetting to my crew than any client in 40 years of business.

I am here to learn new or other ways of thinking both personally and artist subject matter. You don't get angry or insulted. If it is true what you say, I am learning or confirming it. If not true I ignore them, if the person keeps it up, it's BS and get rid of them.

Would you like to try again?

Red cat is 404, maybe the question, was too difficult.


Because lots of people believe, it does NOT make anything a fact. Theisists claim to have ALL the answers, but they often resort to "somehow, it is a god's plan", which is not an answer. There are and have been thousands of gods, all different, and even with major religeous groups there are differences. Logic suggests if ONE was real, there would not be others, since the real one would win. If all are imaginary, then there would be lots, and none would be proven. No one can prove a negative, so the burden is always to find proof a particular magic invisible friend is more real. So far, no proof. Prove Thor, or Ganesh, and there can be no atheists.

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