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Watch out who you sleep with.

Jolanta 9 Sep 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Too bad they don't give any statistics to support their argument. I wonder if there are even any statistics about this.


Maybe they need to clarify "long term" a bit more?

What is long term for some may not be so for others. I think they mean that you have been with your partner for a longer period of time. What constitutes longer I do not know.

@Jolanta That is what I was thinking: that if someone considers 1-2 years a long term, then this could apply. But if someone considers 20 years a long term relationship, then an STD popping up would definitely indicate that sex was happening with another partner.

The phrasing could give someone the ammunition to lie about their infidelity, and that's too dangerous to expose people to.

@Lauren Yes it can certainly bring on huge problems in a relationship.


Where oh where did you get this Non-Fact?????

British Women's Weekly.


Yeah my first wife tried to convince me that I must caught genital warts off a public toilet seat and given them to her, even though mine didn't appear until after she was already having treatment for hers.
Damn I was stoopid when I was young.

You're not the first to have been caught with that crap statement.


Outbreak of herpes again?

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