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More American intelligence coming back to bite US citizens on their backsides?

You'll love this one from California:

Meanwhile some around the world laugh others just wonder how long this nonsense will take to become practice in their country?

FAKE NEWS according to @LenHazell53 below.

FrayedBear 9 Sep 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Is she on FAUX news????

They both used to be

Lol. No They have their own independent internet vlog.


Senate Bill 553 does no such thing.
It simply makes it illegal for business owners from penalizing untrained shop staff for not confronting armed or dangerous thieves at the risk of their own life or well being or forcing them to do so.
This why there are such thing as licensed security staff, store detectives and so forth.
It also DOES NOT make it illegal for staff to confront shop lifters, IF they choose to.

It stems from a case a few years ago where a over night shop assistant was shot in the leg by a robber , and then was not only fired by his employer for NOT stopping the gun man, but had the cost of the stolen items deducted from his severance pay.

Thanks for that clarification Len. It reminds me of when 2 policemen drowned trying to rescue a "lunatic" who dived into the sea at a stormy high tide Blackpool from the promenade storm barrier to rescue his dog that had been swept off the promenade by the 40' waves crashing over it one winter in the sixties. From that point on police were only required to throw drowning persons life preservers then call the RNSL lifeboat out & not jump in themselves.

It is so typical of media persons trying to muddy the waters for ratings or perhaps political gains.

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