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Not a case of "least said soonest mended". How obscene is this?

British royal, Duchess of Sussex, King Charles' daughter in law, holds hands with charity worker & descendant of famous Russian-Ukrainian WWII war hero Kostiantyn Chubukov. His descendant, Yuliia "Taira" Paievska, was accused of being Neo-Nazi Azov Brigade veteran, tortured & imprisoned by the Russians for a month. []

FrayedBear 9 Sep 14

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Not obscene at all. Just misinformed
Yuliia "Taira" Paievska is indeed decried by the Russians as a terrorist and member of the the Azov Battalion, a false accusation that was made public by Putin's dept of propaganda during her time as a POW between March and June of 2022.
She as a volunteer medic and her ambulance driver were "captured" while traveling down a humanitarian corridor to render assistance to Russian injured soldiers. They were instead taken at gun point by Russian forces, and held for one month and tortured in to making false confessions, before international pressure, forced the Russians to release her for violations of the Geneva convention and because it was revealed in Russia that far from being an enemy of "Mother Russia" she is descended on her father's side from Kostiantyn Chubukov a popular and near legendary Soviet war hero of WW2 (recipient of the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner, among other decorations) leading to a public campaign to release her.
The Russians used her confessions to try and persuade people that "Taira" was a fascist, when in fact when was famous throughout Ukraine for being the founder of an entire charity based on the provision of nursing care, free ambulances, and M.A.S.H units for civilians and combatant of both sides in need since 2014.
She considers herself both Russian and Ukrainian and is a famous charity worker internationally, which is why Prince Harry asked her to add her influential name to the rosta of Invictus game patrons.

Thanks for the correction Len. Post rephrased.

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