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LINK Cavuto: Is Trump giving the media very real ammunition? | Fox News

A FOX NEWS commentator just called Trump OUT in a major and damning way. Burn! (This guy might just have to resign and go work for CNN, lol. I don't see how he's keeping his job there at TrumpTV!)

BookDeath 8 May 4

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I can't imagine that Cavuto is going rogue here; that he made all these statements without the consent of Fox News. It might very well mark the turning point for "mainstream" support for Trump. If it is indeed a turning point, I imagine the impeachment isn't far behind. But why now? Because of the mid-term elections?


It's quite bad when Faux News begins to report on the hypocrisy.


Sounds like this guy is contradicting himself as well. He said this doesn't make him a never-tRumper" but it sure sounds like it does. And he says it doesn't sound like "fake" new but what else does it sound like? I wonder how the fox news addicts will take this. Maybe they will also start questioning. We can only hope so because all of us are just plain tired out of all the crap that comes out of this shit hole mouth!!!


Good for him

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