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So you want to know how Israel came to be? It was largely due to the efforts of 2 men Theodor Herzl from 1896 - 1904 & from 1906 Ben Gurion a political organiser, agitator & terrorist eventually elected Israel's first Prime Minister.

The first to raise the call for a Jewish state was Theodor Herzl in 1896, 1897 first world congress of Zionism & in 1904 at the same congress where the Jew, mainly Russian, turned down the offer of a new state to be created in Uganda.


The second was the ex British army volunteer turned terrorist, political agitator & organiser Ben Gurion:

By 1939 ..."the Jewish settlement strengthened and deepened its roots in Palestine, anxiety mounted among the Palestinian Arabs, resulting in violent clashes between the two communities. In 1939 Britain changed its Middle East policy, abandoning its sympathetic stand toward the Jews and adopting a sympathetic attitude toward the Arabs, leading to severe restrictions on Jewish immigration and settlement in Palestine.
Ben-Gurion reacted by calling upon the Jewish community to rise against England, thus heralding the decade of “fighting Zionism.”¹ On May 12, 1942, he assembled an emergency conference of American Zionists in New York City; the convention decided upon the establishment of a Jewish commonwealth in Palestine after the war. At the end of World War II, Ben-Gurion again led the Jewish community in its successful struggle against the British mandate"


**¹ **A decade that is still happening 84 years later.

FrayedBear 9 Nov 4

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Aren’t you forgetting Britain’s involvement in the creation of Israel?

How Britain Destroyed the Palestinian Homeland


The Balfour Declaration, which resulted in a significant upheaval in the lives of Palestinians, was issued on November 2, 1917. The people of Gaza mark this event every year.

I wasnt there.

@FrayedBear Neither was I, was taught about this when studying History at secondary school.

Allenby's "liberation" of Jerusalem from the Ottoman Empire and the creation of mandatory Palestine that lasted from 1917 t0 1948, as a "Christmas Gift to the British Empire".
In 1948 we "gifted" the area to the USA to present to the Zionist organisation for the re-establishment of the state of Israel.


Good research

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