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From 5 centuries ago 2 suggestions for relieving headaches & colds:

Get your mustard, nutmeg & stale ale ready!


FrayedBear 9 Dec 7

Enjoy being online again!

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I think I have mentioned before how my wife who is an amateur herbalist, stopped taking prescribed opioid pain killers for her chronic back pain because of the side effects and switched instead to white willow bark tea, and found it worked far better for her.

No, don't recall seeing that Len. But thanks for the advice I will make enquiries as I'm currently having big problems with my hip & knee that are not explained by fracture or arthritis.

You do know willow bark is where aspirin comes from, right?

@annewimsey1 Yes, i did know that, white willow bark extract it is a variant on Salicylic acid which comes from apple tree bark and was the original source of Aspirin which, these days, is a trade name for synthetic metabolite extract of Salicylic acid.


Plenty of stale ale down at your local RSL!

Interesting how the ground nutmeg came from 8,000 miles away, there was trading of goods over long distances even then.

Human nature has not changed . . . they were price gouging back then also!

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