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UFO's, how is it that so many have been seen? This is a subject thats rather near to my heart because I actually saw one in Petersburg, Michigan in 1993 (others saw it too, you are welcome to google it). I've got several theories about the subject that have developed over the many years since the sighting that I'll discuss in my next post. First I'll mention that nothing I've seen to date can explain the fact that it had nothing visible or auditory to support its massive size in the sky. No wings, no motors, and how did it just stop moving and hang there so still? It clearly was not man made because to the best of my knowledge we still don't have that technology. Finally, I was cold stone sober that day, and my son and ex bf saw it too. Any similar experiences?

watergirl64 4 Dec 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I saw and reported a UFO in 1968, in Adrian Michigan. It had a triangular shape, with rotating lights on the bottom. It hovered just above the tree tops, then....vanished. Ooooohhhooooo...(spooky ghost sound)


I think it would be foolish to believe we are all there is in the universe. I also agree that unidentified does not always mean alien. Sounds like what you saw is though. There was a real bigfoot at one time called Gigantopithecus, so you have to believe in the possibility they could still be around. I think there are a lot of things we don't understand.
I saw a black panther more than once in Va., everybody says there are none left, but one time I was about 3 ft. from this thing and it was black as coal with bright yellow eyes and there are no house cats so big their eyes are even with the armrest on a lawn chair. I know what I saw.


The thing to keep in mind is that seeing something in the sky you don’t recognize is a big step away from concluding it’s an extraterrestrial visitor. Against the expanse of sky your eyes can play tricks as to how far away something is, hence it might not be close enough to hear. All you can really conclude is that you don’t know what it was; any further analysis is unwarranted without further evidence.

It wasn't far away, right across the street. At one point it hung over the neighbors corn field, and it was humongous.It just hung there for the longest time, no hovering and no sound either. I sid nothing about it being an extraterrestrial visitor, I merely said it was a UFO. I'd love to see anything with those capabilities, especially back in '93?



Do you watch Ancient Aliens?

Some of them are pretty good.
Worth a look see. 🙂

I've not, is it interesting?

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