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To the site managers.... dated 12-09-2017

OK. Looking at my notifications is becoming a rel hassle. If I click to delete notifications, they only reapear later, so I end up looking at the same reponses several times instead of havign the ones I looked at already remain deleted when I delete them.

Next, I'd like the option to NOT have "likes" appear in the website notifications, or an option to have them apper separately from comments and replies, so i don't have to weed through them (the "likes" ) to respond to what people write about my comments and replies.

What is the point of "following someone? Optigning to follow someone does not seem to actually change anything, other than notify a person I want to follow them. So, what is the point of that? I mean if we had a page feed like on Facebook, where the posts of those we followed appeared, at least that would be something.

So, I gave some direct requests, along with some areas where it does not seem clear what you hope the website is doing.

I think improving website features is more important than designing and choosing colors for T-shirts, although Cafe Press could probably handle any T-shirt or other branding merchandise needs, and they can drop ship for you too.

Anyway, the first thngs listed above are the things that are most annoying, an dshoudl probably be attended to first , as i suspect i am nto the only one who finds those things annoying.

snytiger6 9 Dec 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't look at the notifications for that reason and following has remained a mystery to me


Thanks so much for the feedback. I worked a bit today on the notifications/alert page. You can now split them out by type.

We'll look into the zombie alert deletions. Can you tell me if it's from the drop down or full page? On phone/computer? Browser? Can you reproduce it?

"Next, I'd like the option to NOT have "likes" appear" - you can select which to have and not have in alerts. Is there a bug?

If you follow someone, you get an alert if they post or comment... works for you?

The T-shirt poll is just to get feedback as we're stalling getting a shirt printer connected to the website while we work on more pressing features. As far as developers, it's just me and another guy part-time so have to be very strategic. What features do you think we should do next? ... that is, of course, once we fix messenger 😟

Admin Level 9 Dec 10, 2017

I don't usually delete Alerts, but do click on them from the popup. They don't always clear though, and I've been marking them all as read. (from computer, Firefox)

I don't see an option to disable Like alerts.

I get alerts when ppl I follow post or comment. I can also go to the profile of anyone I'm following and look through the posts and comments they've made. Seems good enough for me.

never got an alert from someone I have followed

I am using a Windows 10 desktop with a Firefox browser and the (zombie alerts) happen in the drop down menu.

I like your setting page where you cag just turn stuff on or off. I was hoping for the option to simply choose which alerts would appear in the drop down menu and the full alerts page.

As it stand, between the zombie alerts, and not being able to exclude the "liked" alerts, it has reduced my enjoyment of ht site and reduced my time on the site by about two thirds. I like to look at what peopel wrote about my comments and remarks and respond back to them, but the above issues make it hard to do so. In the end I fall back on Facebook habits of simply not reading responses, which is sad because on this site people really have something to say that is worth reading. It was the ease of interacting this way that made the site so appealing to begin with.

Long strings of interactions on topics is what helps people get to know each other and brings people back over and over again.

While I am at it. I make a lot of typos and don't always catch them before posting. I woudl be nice if I could edit any comments AND remarks I made to comments anywhere I have made one. Thing shave gotten better, but as an example, I just looked at my post above for an edit button and there wasn't one.

The zombie likes are still happening as of this evening. I had three in less than 10 minutes. Using a Windows 10 computer with Chrome browser.

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