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30 Palestinians held by Israel found dead, handcuffed inside Gaza school: NGO

Israeli war crimes to add to the charge of genocide?


This is what the US government is funding in your name.

FrayedBear 9 Feb 1

Enjoy being online again!

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But do you condemn Hamas for taking and holding hostages?
They shoot their own unarmed, shirtless with white flags soldiers who escape. What do you expect? Let's face it, Israeli's who support this are cunts and deserve the same fate as Nazi's.

puff Level 8 Feb 1, 2024

Hamas are simply freedom fighters operating against invading colonists on land stolen from them. No different to the WWII Maquis & La Resistance in France & Belgium, the Hukbalahap fighters & Moro Juramentados in the Philippines, the Seri Thai in Thailand, and others fighting for the return of their homelands against German & Japanese invasion.

The more you look into Oct 7th, the less impressive Israel is. Many were killed by Israeli fire from hellfire missiles. cars full of people, and tank shells liberating kibbutz's. That festival, Hamas were engaged by the Israeli response when surrounded by civilians. Their plan was grab some hostages, give the IDF a blood nose and get our cause back on the front page. They were highly successful and even if you believe they slaughtered all 1200 that day, with 400 odd IDF active personnel amongst the dead, the ones guarding the wall. the collateral damage is perhaps 3:1 which is far too high. Lets say 4:1, 5:1 or even 10:1. Even ten civilians dead to one soldier pales into insignificance in what the IDF has done.
So which is the most professional force here? Able to avoid civilian casualties? Remember what settlers are. They are Israeli settlements on Palestinian land. Occupied stolen land from 1967 borders most seem to agree on. So Oct 7th, they were legitimate targets to resisters of occupation. No innocents, just dumb fucks happy to occupy stolen land as human shields. Colonialists. If you take that into account, even less collateral damage by Hamas regarding civilian deaths.
Zionist Israel are terror for these people, it is a brutal occupation. Hamas kicked their arse Oct 7th, face it. And they were just in doing so. If you were not sure of that, just look at the response.
Israel defend an occupation, not self. No self defense......................yet 😉
Hamas act far more professionally than the IDF. Who would you rather be taken prisoner by?

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