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Wow, I'm healing really fast from my first outbreak!

I have very minimal pain now when I go to the bathroom, sit, walk, and stand. The sores don't hurt much, like yesterday morning. I'm very itchy though. I figured that I am healing faster with this medication. I hope I have to wait a long time before the next outbreak.

Today I work and I'll try to have a good day, with less stress.

I made coffee with almond roca creamer. There isn't much almond roca flavor in it, just cream. Damn Darigold creamer! It was new. Oh well. I'll stick to the International Delight's creamer. Next time I'll get Reese's again.

Sarahroo29 8 May 6

Enjoy being online again!

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The better your attitude3, the faster you heal! Keep up the good feelings. Flovired coffee creamer? Yuck!

It just tastes like sweet cream.


don't you just use fresh cream ???

No. I like flavored creamer.

Fresh cream is much healthier ? Flavour it yourself !

@VAL3941 Okay.


With luck it may disappear for 20 years.

Idk? Hopefully.

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