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Iranian man has an obscene profile.

Yesterday I received this message from @siamak, an Iranian man age 38: "Hi can you msg me?"

My reply:

"You live in Iran. I suggest you focus on women who live near you. I feel repulsed by what you wrote in your profile:

πŸ”₯The real man makes your πŸ’¦pantieπŸ’¦wet, aint's your eyesπŸ”₯

"That's all you wrote. Here's my message: Stop acting so vulgar and grow up."

Then I blocked and reported him.

He’s likely a sociopath who is simply playing a numbers game. He’s looking for that 1 in ten thousand women who will reply.

LiterateHiker 9 Mar 8

Enjoy being online again!

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My guess is that he's some immature person playing online.
Blocking him was a wise decision

Unity Level 8 Mar 9, 2024

Don't feel special (I am being sarcastic), He also messaged me. I did not respond and don't plan to. If I get another message from him I will block him.
Thanks for the heads up.

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