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LINK North Korea says U.S. ‘provocation’ threatens peace talks – ThinkProgress

Another chess piece played by North Korea.

Lukian 8 May 6

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I sincerely have sober reasoning conjuration, that The United States of America will have a recurrence of the same military/ pseudo-political problem that we have recently witnessed. The dialogue will be some what different, but the conclusion may not be the same as this round of talks. IMHO of course. War is ingrained in the D.P.R.K., sadly as it is in the U.S.A. after WW II. . Look up how many years the U.S. has NOT been at war with someone, somewhere on the globe for a reason not fully revealed nor understood by the general public.

It is rhetoric, discussions, payoffs, deals, sanctions, no sanctions, gifts of technology and low and behold , we have troops being sent "there" within 10 years. Check my information. I did not quote , as on here quoting appears to be highly volatile. AGAIN , GOOD LUCK , GOOD FORTUNE, SUCCESS all depend on the person and how you conduct your life.

My post has more to do with North K. is not interested in peace, they are playing 45 (I have posted several post and commented to the like).

As for the US war history, you're right: America Has Been At War 93% of the Time – 222 Out of 239 Years – Since 1776.

but waging 2 wars recently, beating the war drum with Iran, dealing with China and ignoring Russia will erode the world's confidence in the US. In the end, North Korea will get away with what it wants.


US always provokes. They are looking for new wars to start so the people who make bombs, tanks, uniforms can make more money and US business can have new opportunities and they can use the resources, ie our oil in somebody els country.

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