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Now here's an interesting commentary on the Al Shifa hospital & the recent Jewish IDF atrocity.

Received a short while ago:

FrayedBear 9 Apr 4

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The Hebrew word for killing is harag,
and the Hebrew word for murder is ratzach.

Ratzach is a sin, because according to the law of Moses only a member of the house of Israel can be "Murdered"
Harag is not a sin, because it applies only to animals And Gentiles"

The commandment (in all three Torah and biblical versions) is VERY clear "Thou shall do no Murder"

The behaviour of the IDF seems to reflect this orthodoxy is still considered scripture

Pretty psychotic wouldn't you say?

@FrayedBear Living in a theocracy will do that to you I suppose

@LenHazell53 surely the same applies irrespective of the state being a theocracy.
The principle resides in the religious scriptures.
IMO the world wide belief is psychotic & not just Jews.

True but Theocracies tend to be worse than others because they always pull the God card, claiming that makes them infallible.
Britain was the same, but although we are still technically a partial theocracy, the god on our side bit still lingers in the horrific idea of English exceptionalism and God was an Englishman.
There are four active none non-Islamic Theocracies in the western world and they are all completely nuts
Israel Jewish (claims to be a democracy, but isn't unless you are Jewish) One god our god
The Vatican state Roman catholic (Dictatorship nuff said) Gods holiday home
The State of Utah Mormon (which is a world wide joke as is their religion, where nothing gets done without the "Prophet/Profit" say so) Our prophet is still alive so fuck you
The UK Church of England (Where Bishops still have statutory seats in the house of Lords and can be called to be cabinet members) The king is the head of our church suckers!


Divine inspiration. I think I will remain an atheist/agnostic. Israel's retaliation is a grossly disproportionate. Not that I sanction any violence.
They are not just killing combatants. I guess they don't see the irony of the shit they're dishing

Violence begets violence.
Violence is blind.

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