This article deals with the problems that homeless face in Cali. But this Is NOT just a Cali problem! Rents are high everywhere, and with Spanky and his gang at the helm, notably Ben Carson at HUD who thinks that public housing rents needs to be raised and that it shouldn't be "too cozy" for those who live therein-those facing homelessness will most like increase. My little town has it own changing coterie of homeless individuals. Shamefully, we do not have any institution that offers them shelter-no Y, no Salvation Army, nada. When we had the coldest of nights, I believe some of the churches actually DID try to live up to their billing and opened their doors. But this is purely stop-gap and not a policy. Rents here are HIGH, higher than surrounding towns. (Abingdon is the relatively affluent little jewel in the local Appalachian Blue Ridge.) We-our town, our state, our country-need to address the problem of housing in a comprehensive fashion and make it AFFORDABLE. (And, despite what the despicable Mr. Carson thinks, comfortable for those live in it. Not saying luxe here. You know what I mean.)