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UNITED NATIONS Australia ‘Gone Missing’ on Preventing Genocide May 21, 2024 Newly declassified documents show what Canberra knew about events unfolding on the ground in Gaza after Oct. 7, Kellie Tranter reports.

"According to DFAT’s current online “Israel Country Brief”: “Australia’s bilateral economic relationship with Israel continues to grow. In 2021, Israel was Australia’s 46th largest two-way trading partner and 54th largest export market. In 2021, two-way goods and services trade amounted to approximately $1.34 billion, of which Australian exports were worth $325 million and imports from Israel $1.02 billion. In 2020, Australian investment in Israel totalled nearly $1.6 billion and Israeli investment in Australia was $585 million, mostly centred in the innovation sector. Major merchandise exports to Israel are live animals followed by plastic products, pearls and gems, beef and aluminium. As at November 2022, 19 Israeli companies were listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX), making Israel the third largest source of foreign company listings.” The Austrade team in Israel is based at the refreshingly honestly named “Australian Trade and Defence Office,” which exists to facilitate trade, investment and defence industry partnerships. ""

"No economic sanctions, including trade and arms embargoes, have been threatened or imposed on Israel by Australia, and there has been no suspension of economic associations or agreements with Israel.

By the evidence in documents obtained by Declassified Australia in these FOI releases, Australia has done nothing to attempt to prevent genocide by Israel.

Silence has ensued in relation to six major multimillion dollar trade and cooperation agreements and programs between Australia and Israel. (See bottom of the article for details.)

The existence of all of these trade cooperation agreements serves to avoid the controversy of signing a Free Trade Agreement with Israel, but still facilitates a quite similar result.

All of these lay the groundwork for Australian access to Israeli technology, but part of the price is Australia’s diplomatic support."


Australian PM Albanese & his government yet again identified as complicit in Jewish genocide of Palestinians & war crimes against them.

FrayedBear 9 May 22

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