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The Terrorist In Donald Trump's Campaign

There's a story about the 2024 Trump campaign that has yet to be told. I'm introducing it here in the hope that you will help to spread the word.

There is a terrorist in the Trump campaign.

David Leach is part of Donald Trump's Iowa Faith Leader Coalition. In December of 2023, Donald Trump sought Leach's endorsement, so that he could demonstrate that he had bigger support from evangelical Christian leaders than Ron DeSantis, even though DeSantis had the support of more influential evangelicals, such as Bob Vander Plaats and Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds.

David Leach is a terrorist, the Secretary General of the Army Of God, a network that murdered and assaulted medical doctors. The Department of Homeland Security has designated the Army Of God a Perpetrator Of Terrorism. With David Leach as Secretary General, the Army Of God committed murder, bombings, threats with weapons of mass destruction, arson, carjacking, bank robbery, and assault with the attempt to kill. Their goal was to force abortion clinics across the United States to close down through sheer terror.

I believe that this story can help to bring attention on the dangers of Christian Nationalism and focus voters on the depths to which Donald Trump and his associates are willing to go in order to end reproductive freedom in the United States.

Please, share this story with people you believe are ready to hear it.

For more information, watch the following video, listen to this week's episode of the podcast Stop Christian Nationalism, which discusses the connection between Donald Trump and David Leach at length, or get a copy of the new book Donald Trump's Army Of God: Christian Nationalism in the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition, which devotes most of a chapter to the topic of David Leach's terrorist history and his involvement in the Trump for President campaign.

CliffordCook 6 May 29

Enjoy being online again!

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How has Leach avoided arrest, trial, and conviction?

Other members of the Army Of God were convicted, and in some cases, executed for their violent crimes.

David Leach never pulled the trigger himself. He was a ring leader - the "Secretary General".

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