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The last man I talked with on Fitness Singles. A sexist, lazy user.

The last man on Fitness Singles I talked with was a 70-year-old who never learned to cook. His late wife cooked every meal and waited on him for 47 years. When he was watching football she brought him salad and meals. Unbelievable.

He doesn't want a committed relationship. He wants a friends-with-benefits arrangement. "I can come over and eat dinner with you every day, " he said. No way!

He was a sexist, lazy user. "Leave me alone," I told him and blocked him.

After meeting over 50 grown male adolescents like him, I quit online dating.

Your thoughts?

LiterateHiker 9 June 1

Enjoy being online again!

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You sound very upset. Did you put a lot of time and energy into this guy? Or are you annoyed by his mere presence on that dating site?

I've interacted with several women on that site, and it seems to be dedicated for people who ASPIRE to be fit.


I feel fed up, not angry or upset.


The probable and sad bottom line on dating sites is. That in the mating game, women really have most of the power, because most men, and especially the best men, are easy going and undemanding, so that they are usually quite accepting and willing, if they are interested in partnerships at all. Where women sadly have to be careful. Any obviously good man therefore, who becomes available, is almost instantly snapped up by a female already known to him.

Any man therefore who makes it as far as dating, has already been rejected by the ten or twenty single females who know him well, and the fifty or so good women who are known to their mutual friends. While any man, with perhaps a few rare exceptions, who makes it as far as online dating, the bottom end of the dating pile, has probably been rejected by nearly the whole female sex already.

Perhaps the best way to find a partner, especially if you are female, is to cultivate the widest and best possible network of friends, both male and female, who share the same interests as you. And sooner or later, one of them will know someone. And if sadly, as can happen, that does not work, then at least cultivating your friendships, at least brings its own rewards.

Mostly true, but there are cases where men may not have an appropriate match in their social circles. Online dating, done well, can be a time-efficient way to identify people you might be compatible with. It worked just that way for me in 2004.

@Mitch07102 Yes there are always exceptions, but you can waste a lot waiting for those.


I believe that there is someone for everyone.
When the time, and person is right for you, you'll gravitate toward each other.
You're a wonderful woman. You deserve better than the creeps that you've been encountering through online dating

Unity Level 8 June 2, 2024

I'm not sure there is a person for everyone, even though I'm in the wedding business. Some of us are just better off on our own, though it's fun to socialize with others and have a good time.


IMO expectations steer what you find.


Wishing doesn't work. Just click my heels and concentrate?

This is not the Wizard of Oz.


I think you will do better just being out and about doing things you enjoy. I don't have any real experience with on line sites but I do know human nature so it comes as no surprise many overstate their assets.
I think it is rare to find many - both male and female - that have moved much beyond the societal ideas of who does what. Sometimes it seems they enjoy staying in the high school mentality. Do I sound cynical? LOL


I believe you are smart to pull the plug on online dating. I've known several people, both male and female that had no luck using one of those sites. A lot of disappointment and dealing with people who outright lie about themselves.

I don't care to date any longer, but if I did, I would do things the old fashioned way. Go out and meet people at concerts or other activities that I enjoy.

You're a beautiful, healthy and smart lady, and you will meet someone suited for your lifestyle and interests. 😘

I second what @Redheadedgammy just wrote! 😊

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