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Georgia introduces new law to prevent hidden foreign influence in the country.

Has Georgia disarmed the West’s secret weapon? []

According to Blinken, the new law will allegedly “stifle the exercise of freedoms of association and expression, stigmatize organizations that serve the citizens of Georgia, and impede independent media organizations working to provide Georgians with access to high quality information”.

The Georgian law however is nowhere near as restrictive as the USA 's laws that have failed to prevent the influence of Israeli Jews through AIPAC. Some are now asking if the CIA & USA are attempting a Ukrainian fascist Maidan style coup in Georgia.

FrayedBear 9 June 4

Enjoy being online again!

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I see nothing wrong with this, it simply requires news and media organizations to declare publicly their owners, donors and share holders with more than a 20% interest in the company, if those organizations or individuals are not US citizens, corporations or a foreign government, foreign organization or an entity that is directed or controlled by a foreign government or foreign organization.
It does not prevent or forbid this it simple requires a declaration of interest.
The ONLY reason to object to this is if undue influence IS being bought, which of course no god ferin' patriotic, shitizen of company would be party to anwayz, um I rite?


All our countries have similar laws. No countries like foreign interference in their affairs.
NB For here best not to post RT as the source, look for others and post them or you will be accused of being Putin's puppet, a commie etc

puff Level 8 June 4, 2024


Has Georgia disarmed the West’s secret weapon?

@1patriot it's still RT.

You can do just as I have now of highlighting my opening 2 lines & doing a search on them to get the similar reports from a plethora of other sources. Here are 2:



Do you think RT made it up that Georgia introduced the new law?

@FrayedBear No, I'm saying many here will see it's from RT and dismiss it immediately, if they can open it.

@puff if they can't open RT they know that they have a problem with their democracy.

@FrayedBear Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm yep

@puff & if they are too #stupid from their indoctrination. . . 💨,💥 &🔥 the fuck wits.

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