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UN Probe Finds Israel Guilty of 'Extermination,' Torture, and Other War Crimes in Gaza. When will Nuremberg 2024\5 start sitting?

"A United Nations commission tasked with conducting an in-depth investigation of Israeli military actions in the occupied Palestinian territories concluded Wednesday that Israel's government is responsible for multiple war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip, including "extermination," torture, forcible transfer, and the use of starvation as a weapon of warfare."



FrayedBear 9 June 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Sooooo, name one conflict, never mind war, where that didn't happen.
Not of course that it was ever right, but what exactly did you expect, singing Koombya around campfires?

Propagandising what you hope for instead of Nuremberg style trials Anne? That no one will accuse you of your complicity in the genocide of Palestinians? Instead you will be invited to sing this song with everyone?:

@FrayedBear you never, ever get the point of anything, do is amazing, but not in a good way.


Haven't they told you yet that saying things like that are anti-semitic?

Anti Palestinian? 😱🤬

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