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Lol. Doesn't the following report imply that Trump so badly emasculated border control that they failed to catch terrorists trying to enter the country?

Biden provides ‘material aid for terrorism’ – Trump []

FrayedBear 9 June 15

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Trump says Biden's guilty of "providing material support for terrorism"

Eight Tajik nationals were arrested in the United States last week and were found to have ties to ISIS. All of them had entered through Biden’s open southern border.

@1patriot if at first you don't succeed try again? I've recently made the point that instead of the billions spent empowering the Ukrainians in their proxy war against Russia the money would be better spent improving the lot of American citizens.

@1patriot furthermore I've just posted the following which again shows the duplicity being practiced on the American people by their governments:

@FrayedBear and governments around the world are doing the same thing.

@1patriot agreed

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