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More from Caitlyn Johnstone on the false anti-Semitism fairy tale. Anti-Semitism has now become synonymous with anti genocide & atrocity through apartheid of Palestinians, the true Semites, hasn't it?

More thoughts on the issue from the erudite Caitlyn Johnstone:


FrayedBear 9 June 16

Enjoy being online again!

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This reminds me of the Canadain changed laws. That a person can be heavily fined, banned of could ruin a person life, if you didn't agree a man can have a baby. The dozens of pronouns have to be known in schools. This has caused the greatest harm for free speech and the first time in English history this has been done.

To protect Zionist (fake jews) Is a new low for free speech, and the genocide with the US that no other group is more maximize of destruction towards our fellow human beings. I don't care if narrative is all over me. It's just time and good sense that world citizens pushes back from all this nonsense.

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