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LINK Donald Trump Fumes at Questions About His Rally Crowd Size - Newsweek

Published Jun 25, 2024

Donald Trump has hit back at claims his rally in Philadelphia on Saturday failed to draw a large crowd.

Images have circulated on social media appearing to show that many of the 10,000 seats at Temple University's Liacouras Center were empty.

Trump took to Truth Social on Tuesday to defend the size of his audience, writing: "The Biden Campaign engaging in Cheap Fakes! They're embarrassed that they drew a very weak Crowd, and so they have to manipulate and lie about President Trump's energetic and overflow Rally. MAGA!"

He shared one photo labeled "Trump rally" that appears to show a full house at the Temple University venue, along with a second image titled "Obama/Biden rally" that appears to show the same auditorium empty.

It is not clear when the second image was taken, but President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama appeared at a rally in the venue in 2022 in front of a substantial crowd.

A Democratic party chair shared images of Trump's rally on X, formerly Twitter, and pointed out that the top section of the auditorium appeared to be empty.

"Look at all those empty seats in Philadelphia. Old man can't even fill a high school gym fill anymore," Chris D. Jackson wrote on X, formerly Twitter, adding: "Sad."

snytiger6 9 June 25

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As usual Trump exaggerates the size of the crowds he draws, just like he always does...

Also waves nobody but his secret service at airports.

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