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some pundits want to argue Biden is not up to another term. trump never was. all lies and all selfish. at least Biden is a good enough person, trump is a scumbag and barely human. his magats are also.

hankster 9 June 29

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Sounds like you're drinking the nazi kool-aid by dehumanizing people who you don't agree with. Shame

Tejas Level 8 June 29, 2024

sounds like you believe the chump. he can't speak unless he has a juicy lie to tell. i don't think he gives any thought to how truthful his words are, just if it might garner him a vote or sympathy. he is as dedicated to self pity and whining as any person I've ever seen. an absolute loser, even when he cheats a prize.

they, the magats, dehumanize themselves.

@hankster funny considering how his opponent spews nonsensical word vomit on a daily basis.

@Tejas In my, and many others, opinion. America is already great and don't need a traitorous dictator to woo the other authoritarian types of the world. Besides the chump would barely meet the qualifications to lead a dusty white turd parade. i am confident your trying to be patriotic, yet your reaching for the neurotic. get real.

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