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"The ongoing conflict between Israel and the Gaza-based Hamas militant group, which has already claimed tens of thousands of lives, is the result of US policy in the region, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at the UN Security Council on Wednesday. “New geopolitical experiments” by Washington and its allies only exacerbate the situation in the region, which has already suffered from the Western colonial mandate, Lavrov stated." Is he correct or is he correct?

US behind ‘unprecedented’ Middle East violence – Moscow []

FrayedBear 9 July 17

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US Corp has force every country to their centro banking and US or NATO military base system. If they don't, US creates a flase flag invasion of that country.

The game has changed with BRICS, no longer the East and the south is accepting this bullying. And it's working as the west is in decline and Russia and China are not.

And how!

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