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At long last someone in the UK shows some fortitude & outs the ridiculous situation of supporting Israeli Jews & their genocidal murder of Palestinians.

Former UK minister Sir Alan Duncan tells Israel to get out of Palestine, berates the UK government for failing to uphold international treaties that it has signed including that of the international court of justice & UN organisation.

FrayedBear 9 July 19

Enjoy being online again!

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they have a right to kill terrorists. so far they have killed around 2000 todler terrorists.

They had no right to be in palestine in the first place.


Not new, he was threatened with expulsion from the Party for anti-semitism back in April, he also incurred the wrath of "The Party" for refusing to hide the fact he was gay, and was I believe along with Labour MP Peter Mandelson, the target of Boris Johnson's now infamous quote about the Tories having no place for "Tank top wearing bum boys"

If he said the same as now it wasn't anti-Semitism - just telling the truth.
And what does it matter if he's a sodomite but not all homosexuals are - look at the most famous English one gaoled thanks to Queensberry.


Good speaker.

Really, really don't like bullies.

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