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If Trump wins the election, the citizens of United States of America are in deep, deep trouble.

Betty Level 8 July 20, 2024

That is very true. What is proposed in Project 2025 is not all that dissimilar from how the Nazis started in Germany in the 1930's. And the recent Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity, granting additional presidential powers clears the way for a fascist oligarchic dictatorship to be established, ending (actual) democracy in the U.S.

@snytiger6 There is good reason to fear his motives. His choice of a running mate was to get the financial backing of billionaire Peter Thiel.

The election is going to be a very tense time for Americans and if Trump wins, I fear the effects will be felt up here in Canada.

  1. Ms. Maddox is a freakin' genius and I believe her on Any subject!

  2. JD gives Theil Great head, obviously, and no doubt has the footage to prove it.

Before she started her career in broadcasting & Journalism, Rachel Maddow earned a Phd in Political Science. She doesn't just read a teleprompter, but actually researches and writes most of her own reporting... like TV journalists all used to do way back when.


The guy who pretty finances J.D. Vance's political campaigns, wants the U.S. to end democracy and have a dictator/king instead.

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