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Support for the genocidal Israeli Jewish psychopaths & their leader Netanyahu is nowhere near absolute.

US Democrats snub Netanyahu – Axios []

A number of prominent progressives, most notably Sen. Bernie Sanders, said at the time they would not attend the speech over Netanyahu’s handling of the war in Gaza following the October 7 attacks by Hamas, calling him a “war criminal.”

According to a headcount conducted by the news outlet, some 100 House Democrats and 28 Senate Democrats were in attendance, meaning that around half of both caucuses skipped the session.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Senate Foreign Relations Committee members Dick Durbin, Tim Kaine, Jeff Merkley and Brian Schatz were among the boycotters.

FrayedBear 9 July 25

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Soo, not knowing what anyone is thinking/saying/planning is a Good Thing?
Confusing Attendance with Approval is just weird.
And stupid.


What is the definition of "Jewsish"?

Typo corrected. I see that as usual you have nothing of value to contribute.


He is good at correcting words.

@Castlepaloma it's a pity that half the time his posts are fall not only of spelling but logic & grammatical errors.

@FrayedBear When you post something that has actual facts feel frre to criticize me. Until then your reviews of my (or anyone else's) writing provides good comical material.


@FrayedBear Irrelevant to the issue which is Hamas.

@Alienbeing like your comments you mean?


Netanyahu makes out Hamas is doing all the killing on both sides and he is Mother Teresa. ............................. not

@Castlepaloma everyone including our popular alien conveniently forget that if wasn't for the Jewish atricities of genocide, invasion, dispossession, starvation, theft of land & water, apartheid & illegal kidnap , imprisonment & torture of Palestinians then the Palestinians & Hamas would not need to be defending their land & people.

@FrayedBear Only to those incapable of understanding what is obvious..... such as yourself.

@FrayedBear Hamas defends nothing, they do attack however.

@Alienbeing yawn. You'll get your facts straight one day.
I wonder if you are still claiming your American independence fighters were patriots or terrorists against their king?

@FrayedBear My understanding of terrorism is correct. Your excuses are both incorrrect and disgusting.

@Alienbeing "disgusting" please enlighten me.

@FrayedBear It is imposible to enlighten you. Many have tried, but apparently you are hopeless.

@Alienbeing pathetic response that fails to prove your accusation of "disgusting".

@FrayedBear The term "disgusting" is a subjective analysis. I am not surprised you don't know English very well. There is no need for me to prove anything, espicially to you.

Your self importance is unwarranted. I have frequently told you that if I find you disagree with me, I know I am correct.

@Alienbeing with your acumen I'm not surprised to be told that you consider yourself to be inferior.

@FrayedBear Your last reply once again proves you have nothing to say, and that you are prone you make nonsensical statements.


Always too few too late.


All Netanyahu is creating more Hamas and more enemies. A US warship in a sea of Muslims.

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