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So the great upholder of truth & saviour of free speech proves himself to be as hypocritical as the Israeli Jews applying apartheid & genocide in the land they stole in Palestine by calling it defense?

A picture can be worth a million words:

FrayedBear 9 Aug 15

Enjoy being online again!

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From the river to the sea. Was actually the Zionist coin phrase of their take over of all Palestine from the Jodan river to the Mediterranean Sea.


From the river to the sea. Was actually the Zionist coin Frase of their take over of all Palestine from the Jodan river to the Mediterranean Sea.


The Zionist say many things I'd find as opposite toward good sense and ethnics. Now Isrealis protest to make into law ro be able to rape Palestinians prisoner when ever they want. I didn't ever think, humanity could sink this low.

I have come to the conclusion that they probably no longer should be classed as members of the human race. Hence why real humans have through the centuries seemingly driven or tried to drive the non humans from their human communities.


And here is what Mandela said:



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