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Now it starts to come out - years of Biden corruption! Impeach the bastard? No quietly take him where his body won't be found like you did with Bin Laden & many others.

The House Oversight Committee released a report concluding that President Biden "committed impeachable offenses." It is damning yes, but is it worth it to impeachment the President now while he is old, senile and powerless? Redacted 20\08\2024

FrayedBear 9 Aug 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Biden gets off, for being part of the living dead.

The colour of America is that of putrid corruption & dishonesty not red blue & white!



I only think of Americans as no better or worse than the next guy,

And many hate that.

@Castlepaloma here os wonderful opinion by an American professor on what it is to be an American: a descrndent of someone fleeing European wars or persecution for ratbag religious beliefs or someone made a refugee because of US aggression & greed.

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