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So what has the UN said about the situation in Israel of late? Did you read the full reports in your local newspaper, TV or be given the link by radio? Do you still believe Israeli Jews have the right to commit genocide on the Palestinians?

πŸ“‘ Published 07 June 2022


United Nations: Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory;

The continued occupation by Israel of Palestinian territory and discrimination against Palestinians are the key root causes of the recurrent tensions, instability and protraction of conflict in the region, according to the first report by the new United Nations Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel.

The Commission also noted that impunity is feeding increased resentment among the Palestinian people.

It identified forced displacement, threats of forced displacement, demolitions, settlement construction and expansion, settler violence, and the blockade of Gaza as contributing factors to recurring cycles of violence.

πŸ‘‰2 years later…

πŸ“‘ Published 19th June 2024


United Nations: Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory;

The report concludes Israel’s actions since Oct 7th, amount to;

πŸ”»War Crimes

πŸ”»Crimes Against Humanity

πŸ”»Violations of International Humanitarian

FrayedBear 9 Sep 3

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Don't know who in their right mind, would bring into law, genocide. Can't think of anything.thing more insane or mentally ill.


Israel currently has senior officials in Moscow talking to Putin to see if he can get hostages released. Fuck I will laugh if after the US pouring billions into Israel, Putin emerges as the deal breaker ie adored by the Israeli public.

puff Level 8 Sep 4, 2024

I thought I read that 1million of the Israelis have Russian passports. If so it sounds like Putin should invade Israel to protect these Russians just as they have in Donbass.

@FrayedBear Not if they are Zionist.

@puff I didn't say who or what to protect them from, ROFL lmao!

@FrayedBear Look up Persian Jews, Iran. They are Persian first. They have no love of Zionism. So much for Muslims hating Jews.
Zionist Israeli's and their backers, they are the problem. White, Caucasian colonising fascists. No-one else. Master race wannabe's attempting their final solution.


Australian news sucks. Racist cunts like Dutton resists issuing visa's to Palestinians from Gaza but what's the bet IDF who were active in Gaza are welcomed?

All duel citizen Israeli's with Australian passports should have their citizenship's revoked forthwith if they participated in/ support the IDF's slaughter in Gaza and now the West Bank. Does anyone believe Israel is still "self defending"?

puff Level 8 Sep 4, 2024

I remember Australian Jews coming back from the 6 day war bragging about their participation.

I thought Australia had a law preventing Australian citizens serving in other country's armies - they are mercenaries.

@FrayedBear So did I. Especially after the Hick's episode.

@puff Hicks in Guantanamo Bay prison?

@puff he was held by the yanksfar longer than a local magistrate would have given him.

@FrayedBear Yep. It was not illegal at the time he first went over prior to 9/11. They just wouldn't let you serve in Australian armed forces if you did. Can't have loyalties to 2 armies ie what happens if they fight each other?

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