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In response to a correspondent's comment today that "the world's gone mad" I responded "You've noticed! " Have you noticed?

There's now no point being a citizen of any country because none of them will stick up for you. And if you're an Israeli Jew & hostage their army will murder you so that you can't tell the world how good Palestinian hospitality is despite Israeli blockade of water, food etc."





And of course there are the infamous cases of Hicks, Assange & the Balibo 5 (

FrayedBear 9 Sep 7

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I'm weary of his "warnings" to the criminal Zionist enterprise. Like so many other countries neighboring Palestine, they talk, talk, talk, while their defenseless Palestinian neighbors suffer horrific mass murder, detention and torture at the hands of racial supremacists.

When is it enough? When will Jordan find gonads and rid itself of it's lap-dog 'king'? Yemen is truly the only Arab country showing support and moral conscience and they, ironically, are the poorest country in the region.

Isn't it often the case that those who have suffered high levels of oppression and discrimination are the first to stand in support of the oppressed?
Look at how American first nation people supported the starving Irish during their great potato famine, how S.Africa was the only one initiating support of Palestinians at the ICJ.


Every country in the world should be worried about Israels Samson Option.

If real.


More famous is your fanatical rants against Israel, and your worship of Putin.

I'm sure that given time you'll send this one viral also.

Incidentally rants is plural therefore your use of "is" is not correct. The only one round here doing any worshipping is you, you pray for my posts & comments so that you can exercise your religion . And what is religion? The delusion that one's belief is real. What is your delusion? Your delusion is that I worship Putin. . . Quit being #stupid & you will realise that I abhor your #stupidity but appreciate Putin's intelligence particularly when he outs your #stupidity & actively prevents it harming others.

By now even you must have read that world wide legal experts have resoundingly identified the illegality of Israeli occupation of land not belonging to them together with the complicity of those countries like yours that have been complicit in the illegality.
"Israel and other UN Member States must immediately comply with the authoritative determination by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Israel’s presence in the occupied Palestinian territory, independent human rights experts* said today.

The landmark ruling of 19 July 2024 declared that Israel’s occupation of the Gaza strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is unlawful, along with the associated settlement regime, annexation and use of natural resources. The Court added that Israel's legislation and measures violate the international prohibition on racial segregation and apartheid. The ICJ mandated Israel to end its occupation, dismantle its settlements, provide full reparations to Palestinian victims and facilitate the return of displaced people.

“The advisory opinion reaffirms peremptory norms prohibiting annexation, settlements, racial segregation and apartheid, and should be seen as declaratory in nature and binding on Israel and all States supporting the occupation,” the experts said.

The Court refuted the notion that Palestinian self-determination must be achieved solely through bilateral negotiations with Israel – a requirement that has subjected Palestinians to violence, dispossession and rights violations for 30 years.

“The Court has finally reaffirmed a principle that seemed unclear, even to the United Nations: Freedom from foreign military occupation, racial segregation and apartheid is absolutely non-negotiable,” the experts said.

They welcomed the Court’s recognition that converting occupation into annexation by demolishing homes, denying housing permits, and land grabs, violates the jus cogens norm prohibiting the use of force to annex occupied territory.

“May this historic ruling begin the realisation of the Palestinian people’s fundamental right to self-determination, and peace premised on freedom for all,” the experts said. The ICJ advisory opinion will serve as a critical tool to restore respect for international law, especially at this crucial moment when the Court is also considering Israel’s alleged violations of the Genocide Convention, they added.

The experts recalled that the opinion was delivered 20 years after the same Court ruled on the illegality of Israel’s wall, an authoritative ruling that was largely disregarded by Israel and UN Member States, allowing impunity to reign. . . . "

@FrayedBear Yep. I goofed on grammar that time. You are going to have to life with that, just I we all must live with your daily bullshit.

@FrayedBear Land belongs to those strong enough to own it. Review all country borders after any war and you can see that is obvious.

@Alienbeing for once you admit to it. You are improving. Not however in your ad hominem. However perhaps I'm now quite happy to have my truth & reality labelled "bullshit" by deluded people like yourself as it is now becoming very apparent that there are far more who believe the same as I.

@Alienbeing it will not be long before that changes & beliefs such as yours become too onerously expensive to continue.

@FrayedBear His belief that land 'belongs to those strong enough to own it' (speaking of bullshit) is an archaic colonialist principle that is obsolete in today's world under international laws.

To say that land belongs to those strong enough to own it fits perfectly with the statement that people can belong to those strong enough to own them. Slavery and colonialism are both inhumane, criminal mentalities of the past. They are the essence of racial (and other) supremacy that dehumanizes some people as an excuse to murder them and steal what they possess.

Zionists thinnk themselves a superior people just like the Nazis did in the last century. They brought hatred upon people who have nothing to do with them by those who didn't and still don't understand that all Germans were not Nazis and all Jews are not Zionists. It isn't even close.

Zionists claim to represent world Jewry as a cover for their crimes, propagating myths not unlike the one of Aryan supremacy their racist cousins used as justification for THEIR holocaust of 'inferiors'. Also like the Nazis, today's Zionist murderers in Israel are not shy about their supremacy. One can ask any of them on the street about how they regard Arabs.

The only half-way sane Israeli supremacists are leaving occupied Palestine as fast as they can get out right now. Their erstwhile strong economy is in chaos and strife right now. Israel is a dead colonial enterprise that doesn't realize that its dead yet.

@FrayedBear What was it you think I admitted?

@Silver1wun Try to read with comprehension. I typed only two sentences, so it is hard to understand why you obviously didn't comprehend what I typed. Pay particular attention to the last sentence. CLEARLY it refers to end of war results, NOT colonial expansion.

The fact that the land currently called Israel has changed rulers often proves my statement.

Last, the fact that Israel currently exist is entirely unrelated to "colonial enterprise" and totally related to a U.N. mandate. You are a very confused person.

@FrayedBear The only thing that will happen in the near future is that the government of Iran will be overthrown.

@Silver1wun quite agree. However as with many narcissists, particularly the psychopathic, they want to live forever & therefore are reluctant to admit that death or lobotomy are their only fast approaching remaining options.

Your grammatical error. I know that your brain cannot accept that it is frequently wrong in its analysis & beliefs.

@Silver1wun, @Alienbeing you have evidence of this? Is the USA going to conveniently assassinate\ disappear more Iranian government ministers?

@FrayedBear Perhaps, we like to do that type of thing and it is good for everyone.

@FrayedBear I have never been wrong

@Alienbeing The Zionists themselves used the term colonial long before the UN existed. Research and study of history often result in understanding that appears confused to those confined within the propaganda zone. This didn't begin in 1948 or even last October.

@Alienbeing I have to correct you yet again! It's only short term good for you Americans. It's not good for most everyone else & certainly not good for USA long term - look at Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan . . . Israel!

@FrayedBear You correct nothing, the rulers of Iran must go whether you realize it or not.

@FrayedBear, I referred to the UN resolution in 1948 establishing the State Of Israel, try to follow.

@Alienbeing have you seen the latest kiddy porn video doing the rounds on one of the messaging services. It shows two very young children, one having a boneless leg, his muscles tied up into a knot, the other having its right foot & ankle hanging by a strip of flesh to its lower leg?
The imputation being that the Israeli Jews are doing the mutilation so that the Arabs will make & distribute pornographic videos of the feeble attempts to repair them so that the Jews have videos to masturbate & gloat over.
What do you think?

@FrayedBear Unlike you, I don't watch kiddie porn.

@Alienbeing I'm hoping that my informant will supply me with an url so that I can share the video with you & not just the two imperfect screenshots that I took.
The photos however identify a small portion of the types of atrocities being committed by the Jews you are complicitly supporting. At least you have the wit to call yourself Alienbeing - these perpetrators are simply inhuman in their behaviour.

@FrayedBear The IDF does not seem to be killing off Palestinians quickly enough

@Alienbeing what do you mean? You have just been waxing lyrical about the perpetrators of this pornography -

@FrayedBear Stop wathcing so much porn and get current on events.

@Alienbeing sometimes in order to comprehend the present it is useful to look at history - here are 2 cases in point:



@Alienbeing incidentally the two photos & videos they were taken from are both very current news - not that you'll ever get your propaganda spewing Jewish controlled news media publishing it.

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