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Hey! calling all American women. Here's what your country is complicitly supporting in Israel & has been since 1947. You complain about Trump's crutch grabbing? It pales into insignificance compared to what Jewish rabbis & the Israeli government is promoting in its military. Isn't it time that you women, particularly the "me too-ers", took supporting action?

"Rabbi Karim once went as far as condoning rape in times of war" & "a Tel Aviv university survey revealed that such perverted views were not just confined to a select-few institutions but a majority of Israelis believed that Israeli soldiers should not be prosecuted for raping Palestinians."

"Many rabbis and Orthodox Jews in Israel have also been accused of raping Israeli minors and the country has been described as a sanctuary for Jewish American sexual predators and paedophiles many of whom are granted asylum there after fleeing legal repercussions in the US."


Footnote: not just US predators & pedophiles. There is also the case of the Australian Jewish school principal now imprisoned for molesting her young charges - []

It is absolutely scandalous that governments like USA, Britain and Australia (the tip of the iceberg) have allowed & continue to allow this to happen. . . Is it because the politicians are so corrupt that they fear they will need a bolthole to escape to?

FrayedBear 9 Sep 13

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Ohferpetessake, off yer meds Again????????

It's very sad that you haven't got the ability to discuss matters without resorting to ridiculous ad hominem. As usual you contribute nothing other than identifying your #stupidity.


The DOJ should investigate Trump for any violations of the Logan Act

Disturbing new reports surfaced allegations that Donald Trump has had private conversations with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in order to dissuade a ceasefire agreement and influence the presidential elections. If these allegations are true, this would be a major violation of the Logan Act, which prohibits negotiations between the U.S. and a foreign government by unauthorized civilians—which Trump currently is.

Why is this important?
Two anonymous sources reported that Trump spoke on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Trump repeatedly advised him against a ceasefire because it could “help the Harris campaign.” Both Trump and Netanyahu have admitted to speaking on the phone, but are denying the allegations.

And when PM Netanyahu was in the United States to address Congress, he also met Trump at Mar-a-Lago and talked directly about the election and the ongoing conflict, with Trump assuring him at one point that “We’ll get it taken care.”

This wouldn’t be the first time Trump was accused of violating the Logan Act. He’s been accused of unauthorized communications with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

The Logan Act has been rarely enforced in U.S. history—but it has been evoked. Two people have had charges brought against them for violating the Logan Act in the history of our country. Trump could be the third.


Wouldn't surprise me.

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