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What is the cost of the Israeli Despicable Forces genocidal war in Gaza besides 41000 dead?

Watch Money Watch report 11th Oct 2024


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FrayedBear 9 Oct 10

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I hope it costs them everything they ever had. Maybe, (only maybe because they are rather thick) then they might learn that Hamas is not their friend.

Israel created Hamas, That's what US and Israel do. They create monsters and kill them to create wars . War because Zionist say their God told them that they were given about 6 to 12 countries in the middleeast. Isreal is not my God or the Palestinians God fairytale.

Once Egypt was the terrorist for 30 years to Israel.
The UN peacekeeping force was established between the two armies. This agreement was supplemented by another, signed on September 4, 1975. On March 26, 1979, Israel and Egypt signed a peace treaty formally ending the state of war that had existed between the two countries for 30 years.Sep 9, 2024
Hamas is the chosen Goverment and military for Gaza. The only way to get rid of Hamas is make a two states peace agreement. But Israel would rather fight than switch . The white superiority myth of US and Israel is finished. And Samson suicide mission is one other way out.

@Castlepaloma Get your facts straight. Israel had nothing to to with the creation of Hamas. Hamas is the reorganization of the Muslim Brotherhood that was kicked ot of Egypt after they murdered the Egyptian President.

Palestinians are unwanted in ALL Muslim countries because EVERY time they were given haven they caused very much trouble.

How pleasing to see that you think the Israeli Jews cost of the war should be more than the $68 billion that the Finance Minister Smotrich claims in the video is Israel's cost. And that probably doesn't include the $5 billion the rats fleeing to save their skins have already shipped out since, I think May.

Starting to change your tune alien?

@FrayedBear What drug were you on when you wrote your 10/12 post? Nothing I ever wrote even hinted that I knew the cost of the war, no less agreed with it.

However now that you bring up finance, I think we should spend whatever amount is necessary to eliminate Hamas.

@Alienbeing yet again proving how #stupid you are - you replied without watching the video all the way through. Simply trolling out a response based on your indoctrination of lies. . . "Damned & Doomed from here to Eternity"

@FrayedBear My response was directed at your obvious assumption. I can see why that would buzz right over your little brain.

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