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Australia to send 49 ageing Abrams tanks to Ukraine. Help or hindrance?

The Australian government is saving the taxpayers the cost of scrapping 49 ageing tanks by sending them to Ukraine. I look forward to Russia's response, if they actually bother to respond other than to rapidly blow them up.

FrayedBear 9 Oct 17

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I'm sure they can do a lot of damage. I would to see what one could do to dictator Putin.


A $500 Drone can destroy a tank worth millions. Russia is training alot of young men to operate them for Ukraine and Iran.


MAybe we can empty our museums and send them some ballistas and trebuchets, dare say we can russell up a few muskets too

Bows, arrows, crossbows & slingshots?


Any tank is of questionable value on today's battle field.

When it can be destroyed by a drone costing a comparatively few dollars ? Yes.

@FrayedBear That, and A-10 and AC-130 aircraft. Tanks crews aren't safe anymore.

@Alienbeing and certainly not when Hamas foot soldiers can run up & place a bomb on the blind side, run away to safety & video the explosion destroying it!

@FrayedBear That is the least important hazard, stand off weapons are always more desirable.

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