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Israel has taken human shields to a whole new criminal level.

"Racism also informs Israel’s disregard for international law. By randomly detaining Palestinian civilians – including youth and the elderly – and then dressing them in military garb before forcing them to walk in front of soldiers, the Israeli troops violate not only the legal provision against the use of human shields but also the provision that deals with perfidy and prohibits warring parties from making use of military “uniforms of adverse Parties while engaging in attacks or in order to shield, favour, protect or impede military operations”. Two war crimes in a single action." Al-Jazeera


FrayedBear 9 Oct 20

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Israel say they are the only demon crazy democracy in the middleeast. And the most moral military ever in the world history. .

Would the Drone carry a explosive device on the Palestinian/Israelis uniform ? Like a pager?
How low can a criminal murderer go? Lower than Nazis?


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