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LINK A Simple Way to Improve a Billion Lives: Eyeglasses

Eyeglasses. A simple thing. Yet millions do not have access to even basic eyecare. And let me add that in the U.S. many cannot afford glasses. Vision is one of those things, that like dental care, is inexplicably seen as an add-on by insurance companies. I pay for my eyewear out-of-pocket, for instance, and you don't EVEN want to know how much I spend! (But just so you know, there ARE programs in many communities and also through places such as Lenscrafters that will assist you in getting glasses, sometimes even at no cost, depending on your circumstances.)

BookDeath 8 May 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Also medical,healthcare or dental.


I saw this and have mixed feelings. On one side it is good and a humanitarian way to relieve the suffering of the masses (I have glasses). On the other hand it is another form of the human devolution. We are becoming less and less a product of our environment and more one of technology. I fear our replace will eventually be AI Bots.

@BookDeath All true but why extend the suffering and cause species to go extinct that would otherwise survive? If/when we become extinct a lot more will suffer even more than now. Overpopulation will be the cause of our extinction as it is the cause of most of our ills today!

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