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How many out there have found that religion has made a friend or just a person they know a worse person

Shep 4 May 9

Enjoy being online again!

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-I have a friend; we met at seven years olds, went through school together, faced all kinds of problems and were as close as siblings.
We saw each other through our divorces; we were godparents to each other's children.
Then after a bad time in her life she joined the born again Christians, within a week they had convinced her that I was the devil, was trying to take her from God and drag her to hell, and that she could never be happy if I were a part of her life and that they were her only friends.
I warned her that when the chips were down they would desert her; she called me a liar and a fool.
I heard nothing from her for two and a half years, then a little while ago she got in touch, during an operation to remove a cataract from her eye, it was discovered that she had a brain aneurysm.
It has been caught early and she should be fine after a minor operation.
She went to her church terrified and asked for help, they offered "thoughts and prayers", she asked for support and a lift to hospital they offered "thoughts and prayers", she asked that someone dog sit her pets and come visit her in hospital, every one was busy but "thoughts and prayers".
I spent the day with her, comforted her, accompanied her to see her surgeon for reassurance and bought her a coffee. She is fine and ready for the operation at the end of the month.
It cost me a couple of hours and the price of a Starbuck's.
MY friend is back and is free of those parasites, according to who, god sent me to her in her time of need, but who she must now reject again since I have not taken the "Obvious" call to salvation her illness offered me.
Even she was disgusted by this and is seriously listening to why I am an atheist and why she might want to re-evaluate her church.


Well, I know one woman who makes sure you're aware of her PIETY within the first minutes of meeting her. Virtually every thought she expresses has some kind of religious reference. AND..would you be surprised to know she lies with regularity? Can't be sure it's due to religion...but it's certainly not helped by it! ONE TIME I ''called'' her on in "How can you, as an alleged Christian, do something like this?" She spun on her heel and stomped away!

The excellent news is...she no longer speaks to me.

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