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Coincidence I think not..

An unanticipated but still possible event happened in order for life to have risen on Earth.. it was such a small probability of it happening but in an ever so expanding universe, time is endless. That . 0001 % chance made it into a coincidentally perfect environment where we are perfectly in place so that the sun isn’t too hot or too cold for organic life to develop over the course of millions of years of evolution.
πŸ˜‰ thanks all for taking some time to read this

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Retselspider 2 May 10

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We perfectly fit into our environment in the same way a puddle of water perfectly fits into the hole it sits in.

Water, like humans, can be a very destructive force, in human terms. The difference is that water doesn't plunder resources and have a blatant disregard for the consequences. It simply does what it does as a natural component of the ecological environment.


You should read Douglas Adams and his "puddle" story... ?


Odds and probabilities are human constructs and mean nothing to the universe.


There are a billion billion galaxies that we know of in the Universe and a billion billion stars in each one. Chance has a very good chance.


This is odd! . 0001 is 1 in ten thousand. So you're an atheist and you are attributing our existence to an external force?


This is a false dichotomy. Given the astronomical expanse of spacetime it is a near certainty that life would develop somewhere.

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