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Dear @Admin.

If I might be so bold, I'd like to request a particular feature.

On FB, you can see which of your friends are online now.

A similar feature here would be great!

Sure, you can click on 'Meet', but that only shows people who are single and looking for someone like yourself.

It doesn't show other people.

And I don't know about you, but I really enjoy chatting to friends, not only single ladies (my dating demographic).

I have gay friends, attached friends etc on here, and would love to know when they're online so I can say G'day and have an old-fashioned chin-wag in Messenger.

Is this a feature you're already considering? If not, I'd once again like to request it.

Thanks and regards,


Kreig 7 Dec 12

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I think I just wrote it and released it... followers/following/visitor sorts

Admin Level 9 Dec 15, 2017
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