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QUESTION 1637 Reasons Christianity is not True | It is false, just a myth1637

I use this site as a reference guide when conversing with believers.

zblaze 7 Dec 12

Enjoy being online again!

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That is a lot of reasons however, all of them amount to the same thing; like all religions it is just a case of society's control though the sharing of a delusion. No. I did not read all 1637 of them.

The top 60 isn't too bad to get through. I agree that they all amount to the same thing!

The time has come for all people to stop accepting or "tolerating" superstition and fraud and, instead, to call it what it is. It is time to state clearly that God is imaginary. Religion is pure superstition, nothing more -- It is time for us to begin eliminating the superstition and fraud from public discourse, for the simple reason that superstition and fraud are detrimental to society.

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