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LINK Belief in God - Religion in America: U.S. Religious Data, Demographics and Statistics | Pew Research Center

Ca. 88% Americans believe in God. When do you believe that this scenario will invert, i.e., only 12% will be believers? 2050? 2100? Never? Why?

rsabbatini 7 May 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I question your assumption that we will continually migrate in the direction of non-belief. There was an increasing number of agnostics and atheists in the latter 19th century, but it did not continue, but rather swung back in the opposite direction. At the time of the founding of America the number of Deists were steadily increasing, but we haven't become a nation of mostly Deists. I seriously doubt these numbers will ever invert. There is too much of a deep-seated emotional need of most humans for a god-like figure to direct their lives. Most also have a propensity for spiritual and mystic experiences that begs a divine explanation. As a species we are more emotional than rational. We may indeed be genetically hardwired with a predisposition toward religious experiences via a specific gene called vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2).

You wrote a numer of true ideas and most are correct. However, I do believe that religion is on the way out for good. Science has brought us too far. There is a good TED talk where a speaker assures that religion is on the way out for good. I can't remember the name of the talk but you might can find it.Many kids these days aren't buying the brainwashing.


Seems like everyone likes to have "hype". Hype might even be useful, especially to athletes and other competitors. Many of us cheer for our favorite teams or race car driver. I think many believers use their religion to manifest their hype. teams get "hyped" up, but this in hopes each will perform better. Why do churches have a flag? I guess a Christian flag? What is the purpose?


Paid for by the Westboro Baptist Church.


With the rise of the Internet and social media, more and more eyes are being opened to the sick bullshit which underpins all religions. It's a comparitively slow process but a positive one for our species.

Athos Level 5 May 12, 2018

I think this number is skewed. Many atheist are still in the preferable closet. Especially in the deep south.
I think as more and more of us come out in our communities one might fine there are more than previously thought.

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