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QUESTION A Kentucky 10-year-old is bullied – because he won’t go to public school’s religious services, mom says | Tri-City Herald

“They run it like a Christian school,” Estes told the Herald-Leader. “They have this program called The Upper Room. When I first got the permission slip, I asked around: What is the Upper Room? Why would I have to sign for something that’s during school hours?

“It’s like a little Sunday School program that they have during school hours,” said Estes.

“I don’t think it’s fair that they bully me because I’m not religious or Christian,” Devin, 10, told the Herald-Leader. “Because I don’t bully them. I’m fine with them being Christian. But for some reason they are not fine with me being atheist.”

zblaze 7 Dec 12

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Separation of church and state is paid about as much mind as the flag rules of which the USA flag can't be used in. Advertising, can't be flown at night or lower than other flags and so on.


That is sad.

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