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QUESTION Why 'Judeo-Christian values' are a dog-whistle myth peddled by the far right

It might seem neighbourly, even pluralistic, to include Judaism in a declaration of purported Western values. But in reality this isn’t how the term has functioned, either historically or more recently. Instead, the phrase is used to exclude rather than include. Despite implying that Jews are part of this resurrection of Judeo-Christian values, Trump in no way intends a campaign to Make Hanukkah Great Again. His “Judeo-Christian values” are about protecting Christmas, and about protecting Christians – at the exclusion of others.

zblaze 7 Dec 12

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About the Trump 's Judeo-Christian values - I sense he has none, other what it takes to protect Trump.
As for the whole Judeo-Christian thing, from my point of view it is a form of social engineering using ingrained superstition that points one outside for what can be found inside - that way a "believer" is afraid to take the opportunity to look inside himself for answers.

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