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"Edited" Notation on Posts

Ugh! They added a tag that shows when posts have been edited. Can't they let us fix our grammatical mistakes without publicly humiliating us?

Some of us have phones with crazy autocorrect. It's hard to scroll through and see all the mistakes in the little drafting box.

A lot of the changes have been great, but please be less annoying than Facebook. Don't add all that Big Brother shit.

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MarvelAnn 8 May 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn. Lol Actually, if anything that insignificant humiliated me, i would work on my self-esteem, no disrespect intended.


I now understand the purpose of the "edited" notation - thanks to this thread. And I've now edited this comment. 🙂

When I edit a post, either for an additional thought, a correction, or a deletion, it does not humiliate me -- or make me even the slightest bit uncomfortable.


Indifferent on this


Let it be....


Just in case you changed your opinion on it then we'll know. But for little mistakes I don't see the point.


Small, immediate edits should not be tagged. However, large, later ones should be tagged and dated to prevent a member's like being misconstrued. Face book has this problem. Groups such as the BNP make a post that attracts likes, then alter it to their own agenda and brag that they have widespread support. If a post that reads "I love Beans" attracts 200 likes, and is then edited to read "I love Jesus" (same length, different meaning entirely) Fresh readers will wonder what is going on!!

Hmmmm.... ok... now I understand.

Thanks for the explanation, @Petter. Now I get it, too!


What's the deal? Seeing us edit our posts is a bad thing?


I've brought up concerns about editing posts with Admin before. Evidently if you don't catch typos soon , in a few days you lose the ability to edit and correct them. I don't like that I can't correct older posts. However, Admin provides this site at no charge to us at no charge to us, but at great expense to him/her. So, I don't sweat the littel personal preferences Admin incorporates into the site.


The edit date is only to let members know that text was changed after they posted their comments. It's fairly standard for forums.

Admin Level 9 May 16, 2018
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