I got my first college degree from a Lutheran college and took 5 of its religion classes while there. I could also share the papers I had to write in them with you. I then spent many years involved in church things. I got to the point that it is now time to read the Bible from beginning to end and while doing that my neurons were asking questions and I was double checking my college notes and reading additional things. I then got to the point that I couldn't accept the Abrahamic religions.
I have also read several other theistic belief things, and their supposed application of all the omni things of their beliefs and also can't accept any of them. I have also thought about deistic things and because of my learning I can say it has both good and bad things. So, ultimately I am an agnostic who borders on being an atheist.
Thanks for the input. But there's really no bordering on the matter. Do you believe in a deity? If you cannot say yes then you are an atheist.
@EnPassant68 So you are saying that deistic thinking people are also atheists. That is a big leap, just for your info there is also a website for deists to read. There are also many debate points on the thoughts of deists, I will give one and that it some how caused the big bang and has since done nothing.
So, being agnostic, says I have no information of any work but am open to it.
"So you are saying that deistic thinking people are also atheists." - No, I am not. Deists believe in a god, just not a personal one. A/gnosticism deals with knowledge. Whether you are open to it or not is your choice.
No, no, no, no, no, no !
No, no, no, what?
Don't want them here !